Its only Banter! Have you heard that said – but what exactly is Banter? and when is it acceptable? or even not accepted? What would you do if someone was "Bantering" with you, however, it doesn't feel nice or you don't agree with it? Chris and Beverley talk about Bantering and share their own thoughts […]
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Episode 56 – Vision Boards
What does doing a vision board mean to you? How would you prefer creating one? and if so do you feel under pressure? Is this something you look forward to or find it a challenge to consider? In Chris & Beverley's unique way, they discuss about vision boards and share their own Lived Experience and […]

Episode 55 – Family Secrets
Chris and Beverley talk about family secrets and the impact this can have within the family through generations. Secrecy feeds Abuse, hence Chris and Beverley share their own Lived Experience and professional perspective, about the impact this can have regarding generational Trauma and Abuse within families. Let Chris and Beverley know what topic/subject you would […]

Q&A with Beverley Ann
Chris and Beverley are often asked – "What else do you do apart from the podcast?" Beverley shares her professional life and some personal experiences with her thoughts. If you have any questions you would like explored further please email: Listen below:

Q&A with Chris Tuck
"What do you do outside of the podcast?" is this month's question, and we decided to break it up into 2 episodes. In this session, we hear from Chris Tuck about what she is involved in and her thoughts about what is important to her. If you would like to know more or have a […]

Special Guest Mark OSullivan
Mark O’Sullivan is a writer, actor, comedian, broadcaster and campaigner, best known for his C4 sitcom ‘Lee and Dean’ which he wrote and starred in. He created ITV drama Tell Me Everything which premiered its second season this year. His Channel 4 documentary ‘My Sexual Abuse: The Sitcom’ broadcast in May this year to rave […]

Special Guest Linda Lewis
Linda Lewis from The Survivors Trust joins Chris and Beverley in opening a conversation about sexual abuse, and domestic abuse in the workplace. Linda is an experienced trainer who works with The Survivors Trust to educate support and raise awareness on how to look out for signs of abuse in the work environment and how […]

Episode 54 Vulnerability
It takes courage to be Vulnerable especially when constantly in survival mode or being strong has kept you safe growing up and being vulnerable equals danger. However, learning to be vulnerable takes courage and can be challenging to discover. What about the other side of vulnerability – when it can be used to manipulate too? […]

Special Guest Professor Mike Salter and Dr Ellie Hanson
This episode we welcome not 1 but 2 guests to join Chris and Beverley in opening the conversation about child sexual abuse and also perpetrators. Mike Salter is a profesor in Criminology at the University of New South Wales Australia and we welcome back Dr Elle Hanson, our resident Psychiatrist. Together they bring a wealth […]

Episode 53- Gut Instinct
Do you ever trust your "Gut" or just know something doesn't feel right and try to find a justification? Chris & Beverley discuss this in a conversation sharing their own Lived Experience together with a Professional Perspective. Let us now your thoughts and email us on: Listen below: